Welcome to Dalbeattie Men's Shed

Welcome to Dalbeattie Men's Shed

Dalbeattie Men’s Shed (DMS) is a free to attend place where men can spend time tinkering, repairing and making things while socialising with others who have similar interests. A larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place for men to feel at home and pursue practical interests with a high degree of autonomy.

The Shed is open Monday and Thursday morning for men to work at their own pace in a safe, friendly and inclusive venue. DMS exists to provide facilities where men from Dalbeattie and surrounding area can meet to socialise, and work with tools and equipment in a workshop environment.

The shed will be available to all men in the Dalbeattie area, but is targeted at those who live alone, are lonely, are disconnected from society, or have handicraft aspirations but lack the necessary inspiration, tools and equipment. Retirees and Carers needing constructive respite are prime candidates.

Activities undertaken by the shedders support the wider community such as other charitable bodies, social prescribing and disadvantaged persons in the Dalbeattie area, by taking on DIY activities chosen to meet the skills and needs of the members (for example refurbishing the Christmas Lanterns).

Both the meeting and workshop areas of the shed will improve the health and wellbeing of shedders by providing a social focus and a friendly working environment where they can participate in activities of interest to them, and increase their social circle and craft skills.

Do you want to buy a refurbished bike, have one to donate or would like your bike serviced?

Read how Dalbeattie Men's Shed recreated a replica of a cycle car made in Dalbeattie over 100 years ago from a handful of parts and the original plans.

We are open for visitors every Monday and Thursday morning between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm.